Time for some Spring Cleaning! Pt. 3: Post Cleanse Review

Good afternoon friends! I made it! The cleanse last week had its ups and downs but, overall, it went very well and this is a review of the process. I was lucky enough to have my sweetheart go through this with me and it is my recommendation that you do this with a friend or significant other as well for support. This is my first successful five day ‘fasting’ cleanse as was hers and it is largely in part to our support of one another through this.

The recipes went through changes each day, adding different fruits and vegetables to the mix for the sake of variety and saving cash. Yes, saving cash! This cleanse was quite an expensive one especially considering the fact that we went organic on the bulk of our ingredients. However, we did not go fully organic, we heeded the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists of 2014 in making our produce choices and shopped around for the best prices, the local growers markets as well as the local organic market. I ended up being pretty broke and not being able to purchase the enema to assist in the cleansing process.

Day 1 a.k.a. hardest day

As you.may remember, on the days leading up to the cleanse I was extremely enthusiastic and self assured that I would make it through this without an issue. That all went out the door on day 1. Sure, it started well enough. We woke up and began the skin brushing immediately, showered hot/cold (which had me wailing in the shower), took a probiotic coconut kefir shot and started the day with out first (and most delicious) juice. Luckily we both had the day off and were able to laze around at home watching movies and napping in the park between juices. We both developed mild headaches as the day progressed and I began to fear that It would be impossible for me to make it to day 5. Then came the coconut/cashew milk which restored all of my faith in humanity. I feel like this day would have been much easier had I not been doing a 5 day cleanse.

Days 2-4.

After that first day it was smooth sailing for the most part. I, luckily, had the weekend off so was able to spend it preparing the juices fresh throughout the day and delivering it to her at work. I felt good, light, extremely aware, non fatigued, and energetic. On the fourth day, I had work early in the morning and was afraid that the scent of food would throw me into a primal rage but it never happened. I actually got through this day extremely easy with the help of some Spring Dragon Longevity Tea and ORAC Energy Greens, I was so freaking vital I actually finished my job early and skated home feeling like a majestic bald eagle or something. I did however notice that my teeth were heavily coated with something and, upon arriving at home, I checked my mouth in the mirror and noticed my tongue and teeth were covered in a thick white coating the likes of which I had never experienced. I’ll admit I got a little freaked out but after some simple extremely specific Googling I was able to find countless pages of people experiencing the same detox symptom during a juice fast. *wipes brow* Turns out she had the same thing going on in her mouth as well..I vigorously cleaned my mouth afterward. Did some Yoga that night with my lovely friend Katie, slept like a log.

Day 5 a.k.a. second hardest day

Don’t get me wrong this day was just as easy as the prior 3 but I was so eager to eat again that I got myself hungry. Otherwise I felt amazing! I felt so good that I mistakenly thought I could go on a 5 mile run but only got about 2 before I began to feel weak and dehydrated. That night we began the transition and had broth I had made by stewing fresh vegetables for a few hours. I hate broth..We thoroughly chewed on extremely soft cabbage and kale floating around in there and went out to see this terrible avant garde duo at the University. Slept like a baby.

Day 6.

I didn’t take coming off of the cleanse as slowly as I would recommend but I felt perfectly fine. We started the morning with coconut/cashew milk with goji berries and half of a banana blended into it, delicious. I got to work later and began by slowly drinking a plant based protein, the first substantial amount of protein I’d had, my stomach did well. I later ate a raw food bar, slowly masticating every bite and following it with water. Later I was able to eat a small serving of raw mixed greens and sauteed vegetables and a very small amount of brown rice. Everything I took in was in small amounts, small bites, well chewed, followed by water. I experienced no stomach upset. Day 7 was the same except I ate a bit heavier, worked out, and drank more protein.

So there it is! I made it! I ate a burrito a second ago and I feel amazing! I feel like the cleanse was a success, I was never starving, I didn’t look dilapidated or malnourished, I didn’t lose a ridiculous amount of weight, I had good energy, and felt vibrant! I’m getting my burritos in before maintaining a minimalist plant based diet. I’m not one for extremism or being excessive about anything so my intention is not to follow a raw vegan diet now or change the way I do everything, it is to maintain self control and discipline and indulge every once and a while as I’ve been doing for the most part for several years now. I was going a bit off the deep end earlier this year and needed a reset!

As I had mentioned in a prior post, this cleanse is and was just as much about spiritual, mental, and energetic cleansing as it was a cleanse for the physical body. During cleansing, once you work past the mental struggle of not taking in any solid foods, your mind is extremely clear and you must use this opportunity to focus it on discovering your path and life intentions with greater clarity. Deepen your spiritual practice, do not indulge in idle chatter, petty arguments, or low energy thinking. Use the time to grow and treat yourself and your significant other, who may be taking on this journey with you, well. Pamper yourself, put love into the juicing, don’t rush it. Take showers in the dark or light candles, put on music, and cleanse one another with intention as if washing away eachothers impurities, make love. Make a detox bath: put in salts, clay, baking soda, and essential oil, relax. Pull the plug and imagine the impurities running out of your body and down the drain. Do yoga, meditate, talk to god, go to the park, walk around, ride your bike. Love yourself as you have never loved yourself before! Set these intentions when setting the intention of not eating for 5 days.

I came up with this delicious recipe using coconut meat while cleansing that I will share with you soon! And I’m planning on doing another cleanse soon that is not a fast. I’ll keep you updated. Happy Easters!

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