Is Spirituality the new Religion? Lord, Take the Wheel!

We all operate and find identity through labeling ourselves in different ways and with each label comes a different interpretation for the roles that we are supposed to play when placing ourselves into these different categories. Each label (ie: sister, brother, daughter, son, wife, husband, lover, companion, friend, mother, father) carries a different personal/social obligation that we must abide by in order to adequately fit that role. However, what seems to complicate things is the way that each of these labels is open to interpretation and how two people may have conflicting perspectives on how one should fulfill each station (boyfriend, friend). Alternately, some labels seem to have very rigid structures that become so deeply embedded into our social fabric that the definition becomes universal and the role cannot be adequately fulfilled unless you adhere to this fixed guideline (Republican, Christian).

Many people try to avoid labels in order to dodge the obligation that comes with them, “We’re just dating, it’s not like we’re in a relationship.” Others opt to use certain labels in place of others in order to maintain a certain distance “ie: father in place of dad (or sperm donor if you really want to drive the point home.)” The point is that we can’t escape labels or the pressure that comes with falling under one. For some, this creates an environment to thrive in, while for others this is a source of great anxiety and isolation.

For me, it has been a combination of both: First, in trying to find out how I fit into each of my primary god-given labels (black, male), remaining vigilant in avoiding the seedy influence of American culture. While, at the same time, working on comfortably defining my self-proclaimed labels (friend, boyfriend, etc.) trying to be respectful yet vigilant, once again, in filtering through the pressures and expectations being projected onto me by friends and lovers who have defined their roles differently.

Overall I try to avoid labels because, as Soren Kierkegaard had put it, “Once you label me, you negate me.” Because, whether or not I define myself in the same way as what you have yourself perceived a label to mean, you will undoubtedly assume that I fit your definition. This is a game that I will avoid at all costs. And this brings me to the specific point of this blog post, a label that I’m somewhat averse to placing upon myself: Spirituality. Ah but yes, of course!

Spirituality, to me, is like a new religion that avoids the label much like I avoid being called boyfriend by my lover (I jest!). But in all seriousness, in my time of running a business, vending at spiritual events, attending yoga, and working in health and wellness, I have encountered a vast array of self-proclaimed spiritualists and, more often than not, it is a clear role that they have undertaken to display in one way or another. I’ve discovered that with this label comes a whole host of rituals, like any religion: Do you do yoga? Do you meditate? Are you vegan? Do you study sacred geometry? Do you wear gemstones? And collectively this comes to define your level of commitment to becoming enlightened. This is all wonderful and lovely and each one of these are great tools for connecting with the deeper self but not necessarily as essential as the spiritual community has made them out to be.

Not to be dramatic but, as the quote goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And what all of this outward spirituality seems to have done is create a visible standard for what it is to be spiritual. A loose but very clear definition that has embraced many in its relative universality but also isolated many others. I’m gearin’ up folks hold onto your socks!

And as I stood there at my booth, high noon, barefoot, a fifty-something woman dressed like a ballerina waving a wand over me and whispering blessings in the secret language of fairies, there was one single thought that stood out in my mind, “What the hell am I doing here?” I was on this path trying to integrate myself into the spiritual community in order to deepen my own spirituality, but instead I found a dozen examples of what I did not want to become. Thus was my greatest mistake, a mistake that many of us are making, a mistake that’s driving many of us away from our spiritual nature: Trying to define our spirituality through factors outside of ourselves. Again, “There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground” but, in actuality, there is a way for each and every one of us! So why do we look to others for direction? Why do we attempt to translate the language of our own soul through another’s interpretation? Isn’t that what religion does?

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Every single one of us is a spiritual being having a human experience and regardless of how many veils separate any one of us from this realization, the same rings true for all. Therefore, we can all find ourselves at varying stages along a spiritual path.

I once had a friend with a manner so vile, his tongue constantly poised to release slanderous venom toward any unsuspecting victim, who with every breath in his lungs denied any spiritual ideas or affiliations (unlikely friend, I know). But, while sharing space with this friend I was able to reach a deeper understanding of the great pain that lived within his heart and accounted for his abrasive manner. And hidden like a pearl in his core, muffled by layers and layers of past trauma, karma, resentment, grudge, self hate, aggression, etc. existed this warm glow of spirituality; His soul was pure, like that of a child’s. He would isolate himself for days, weeks, sometimes months at a time on a trail immersed within the beauty of nature, having some of the deepest most profoundly spiritual experiences that a vast majority of us never put ourselves in the position to experience for ourselves. And although he would be the first to disagree, in my eyes he was immensely spiritual, he was just denying his own spirit because he found himself at odds with the labels that others had put on spirituality. But there was a certain beauty to this as well, the artless sophistication of his atheism, a blind passenger driven by spirit, while us, the spiritualists, stand at the helm pleading to our spirit for guidance.

But the common bond that we share is the fact that we ALL know EXACTLY how to be spiritual, it is in the beauty of what we love, we just don’t know how to define it for ourselves which either puts us on a fevered pursuit for ways in which we can become more spiritual or drives us away from embracing it altogether, I’ve done both! But now I’ve defined my terms and concluded that I don’t want to have to wear all white sustainable clothing, become vegan, eliminate my ego, do yoga, meditate, say namaste, resist consumerism, understand how the planetary alignment affects my everyday life, not tell dirty jokes, and not listen to ‘The Chronic 2001’. And I don’t think you have to keep on acting like you’re not an uptight, self-centered, egomaniac just because you abide by these guidelines, it’s only holding you back. At any given moment each one of us has hundreds of veils that we must remove before we have reached any level of awareness. My point is: You are NOT going to get to the delicious tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop with only 3 licks ya dig?

You have learnt so much
And read a thousand books.
Have you ever read your Self?
You have gone to mosque and temple.
Have you ever visited your soul?
You are busy fighting Satan.
Have you ever fought your
Ill intentions?
You have reached into the skies,
But you have failed to reach
What’s in your heart!

Bulleh Shah

Time for some Spring Cleaning! Pt. 3: Post Cleanse Review

Good afternoon friends! I made it! The cleanse last week had its ups and downs but, overall, it went very well and this is a review of the process. I was lucky enough to have my sweetheart go through this with me and it is my recommendation that you do this with a friend or significant other as well for support. This is my first successful five day ‘fasting’ cleanse as was hers and it is largely in part to our support of one another through this.

The recipes went through changes each day, adding different fruits and vegetables to the mix for the sake of variety and saving cash. Yes, saving cash! This cleanse was quite an expensive one especially considering the fact that we went organic on the bulk of our ingredients. However, we did not go fully organic, we heeded the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists of 2014 in making our produce choices and shopped around for the best prices, the local growers markets as well as the local organic market. I ended up being pretty broke and not being able to purchase the enema to assist in the cleansing process.

Day 1 a.k.a. hardest day

As you.may remember, on the days leading up to the cleanse I was extremely enthusiastic and self assured that I would make it through this without an issue. That all went out the door on day 1. Sure, it started well enough. We woke up and began the skin brushing immediately, showered hot/cold (which had me wailing in the shower), took a probiotic coconut kefir shot and started the day with out first (and most delicious) juice. Luckily we both had the day off and were able to laze around at home watching movies and napping in the park between juices. We both developed mild headaches as the day progressed and I began to fear that It would be impossible for me to make it to day 5. Then came the coconut/cashew milk which restored all of my faith in humanity. I feel like this day would have been much easier had I not been doing a 5 day cleanse.

Days 2-4.

After that first day it was smooth sailing for the most part. I, luckily, had the weekend off so was able to spend it preparing the juices fresh throughout the day and delivering it to her at work. I felt good, light, extremely aware, non fatigued, and energetic. On the fourth day, I had work early in the morning and was afraid that the scent of food would throw me into a primal rage but it never happened. I actually got through this day extremely easy with the help of some Spring Dragon Longevity Tea and ORAC Energy Greens, I was so freaking vital I actually finished my job early and skated home feeling like a majestic bald eagle or something. I did however notice that my teeth were heavily coated with something and, upon arriving at home, I checked my mouth in the mirror and noticed my tongue and teeth were covered in a thick white coating the likes of which I had never experienced. I’ll admit I got a little freaked out but after some simple extremely specific Googling I was able to find countless pages of people experiencing the same detox symptom during a juice fast. *wipes brow* Turns out she had the same thing going on in her mouth as well..I vigorously cleaned my mouth afterward. Did some Yoga that night with my lovely friend Katie, slept like a log.

Day 5 a.k.a. second hardest day

Don’t get me wrong this day was just as easy as the prior 3 but I was so eager to eat again that I got myself hungry. Otherwise I felt amazing! I felt so good that I mistakenly thought I could go on a 5 mile run but only got about 2 before I began to feel weak and dehydrated. That night we began the transition and had broth I had made by stewing fresh vegetables for a few hours. I hate broth..We thoroughly chewed on extremely soft cabbage and kale floating around in there and went out to see this terrible avant garde duo at the University. Slept like a baby.

Day 6.

I didn’t take coming off of the cleanse as slowly as I would recommend but I felt perfectly fine. We started the morning with coconut/cashew milk with goji berries and half of a banana blended into it, delicious. I got to work later and began by slowly drinking a plant based protein, the first substantial amount of protein I’d had, my stomach did well. I later ate a raw food bar, slowly masticating every bite and following it with water. Later I was able to eat a small serving of raw mixed greens and sauteed vegetables and a very small amount of brown rice. Everything I took in was in small amounts, small bites, well chewed, followed by water. I experienced no stomach upset. Day 7 was the same except I ate a bit heavier, worked out, and drank more protein.

So there it is! I made it! I ate a burrito a second ago and I feel amazing! I feel like the cleanse was a success, I was never starving, I didn’t look dilapidated or malnourished, I didn’t lose a ridiculous amount of weight, I had good energy, and felt vibrant! I’m getting my burritos in before maintaining a minimalist plant based diet. I’m not one for extremism or being excessive about anything so my intention is not to follow a raw vegan diet now or change the way I do everything, it is to maintain self control and discipline and indulge every once and a while as I’ve been doing for the most part for several years now. I was going a bit off the deep end earlier this year and needed a reset!

As I had mentioned in a prior post, this cleanse is and was just as much about spiritual, mental, and energetic cleansing as it was a cleanse for the physical body. During cleansing, once you work past the mental struggle of not taking in any solid foods, your mind is extremely clear and you must use this opportunity to focus it on discovering your path and life intentions with greater clarity. Deepen your spiritual practice, do not indulge in idle chatter, petty arguments, or low energy thinking. Use the time to grow and treat yourself and your significant other, who may be taking on this journey with you, well. Pamper yourself, put love into the juicing, don’t rush it. Take showers in the dark or light candles, put on music, and cleanse one another with intention as if washing away eachothers impurities, make love. Make a detox bath: put in salts, clay, baking soda, and essential oil, relax. Pull the plug and imagine the impurities running out of your body and down the drain. Do yoga, meditate, talk to god, go to the park, walk around, ride your bike. Love yourself as you have never loved yourself before! Set these intentions when setting the intention of not eating for 5 days.

I came up with this delicious recipe using coconut meat while cleansing that I will share with you soon! And I’m planning on doing another cleanse soon that is not a fast. I’ll keep you updated. Happy Easters!

Time for some Spring Cleaning! Pt. 1

Good evening friends and an extremely unfashionably late ‘Happy New Year’ to you as well! I made it, I’m here! I’ve spent some time in silence, somewhat withdrawn, but I’ve resolved to publicize my thoughts and undertakings more frequently and to build upon my blogging skills. Yes a very merry Un-New Years Resolution! I’m full of surprises folks so be ready for that too. So what does Spring represent exactly? Unfortunately and oddly enough even to myself, I’ve never been one to focus too much on the relevance of seasons so I really have no idea. Fortunately, however, Wikipedia makes scholars of laymen and beautifully sums it up as this:

Spring and “springtime” refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.

Ah yes, I remember, Spring! Is there a more appropriate time for a New Years Resolution than wonderful Spring? I think not! I must admit, this was truly the hardest Winter of my life. Such mistakes I made and the grave consequences that followed! Oh lord! I spent the first few months of the year sloughing off the many layers of sorrow, anger, despair, regret, helplessness, self-pity, and other remnants of my great error through prayer, meditation, good company, solitude, church, deeksha blessings, a shamanic sweat lodge, a trip to beautiful Yosemite, and a reexamining of who/what I wish to be/come. But immense pressure is what turns coals into diamonds baby! Ah, yet there is much to learn still..

So let us follow the footprints of Spring into the

Distant fields, and mount the hilltops to draw

Inspiration high above the cool green plains.

Come, my beloved; let us drink the last of Winter’s

Tears from the cupped lilies, and soothe our spirits

With the shower of notes from the birds, and wander

In exhilaration through the intoxicating breeze.

~Kahlil Gibran~


So here I am, I’ve been through the spiritual/emotional detox. But oftentimes when we go through a crisis of the emotional/spiritual body our physical bodies are affected by the trauma as well. Our immune system is lowered making us vulnerable to opportunistic infections, we may experience loss of appetite and therefore malnutrition, we may consume processed fats and carbohydrates heavily as a coping mechanism, we often forget to take care of ourselves in the midst of a crisis. This negative energy may also store itself in your bodily tissues just as it would in your energy body and psyche. By cleansing the body we may also release this stagnant energy from our living tissue along with the environmental toxins stored there. So! I’ve drawn upon several techniques and developed a cleansing protocol that I shall be undertaking this Friday! I’m very excited about this cleanse and will post the protocol sometime tomorrow. It’s good to be here, thanks for reading!