Time for some Spring Cleaning! Pt. 1

Good evening friends and an extremely unfashionably late ‘Happy New Year’ to you as well! I made it, I’m here! I’ve spent some time in silence, somewhat withdrawn, but I’ve resolved to publicize my thoughts and undertakings more frequently and to build upon my blogging skills. Yes a very merry Un-New Years Resolution! I’m full of surprises folks so be ready for that too. So what does Spring represent exactly? Unfortunately and oddly enough even to myself, I’ve never been one to focus too much on the relevance of seasons so I really have no idea. Fortunately, however, Wikipedia makes scholars of laymen and beautifully sums it up as this:

Spring and “springtime” refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.

Ah yes, I remember, Spring! Is there a more appropriate time for a New Years Resolution than wonderful Spring? I think not! I must admit, this was truly the hardest Winter of my life. Such mistakes I made and the grave consequences that followed! Oh lord! I spent the first few months of the year sloughing off the many layers of sorrow, anger, despair, regret, helplessness, self-pity, and other remnants of my great error through prayer, meditation, good company, solitude, church, deeksha blessings, a shamanic sweat lodge, a trip to beautiful Yosemite, and a reexamining of who/what I wish to be/come. But immense pressure is what turns coals into diamonds baby! Ah, yet there is much to learn still..

So let us follow the footprints of Spring into the

Distant fields, and mount the hilltops to draw

Inspiration high above the cool green plains.

Come, my beloved; let us drink the last of Winter’s

Tears from the cupped lilies, and soothe our spirits

With the shower of notes from the birds, and wander

In exhilaration through the intoxicating breeze.

~Kahlil Gibran~


So here I am, I’ve been through the spiritual/emotional detox. But oftentimes when we go through a crisis of the emotional/spiritual body our physical bodies are affected by the trauma as well. Our immune system is lowered making us vulnerable to opportunistic infections, we may experience loss of appetite and therefore malnutrition, we may consume processed fats and carbohydrates heavily as a coping mechanism, we often forget to take care of ourselves in the midst of a crisis. This negative energy may also store itself in your bodily tissues just as it would in your energy body and psyche. By cleansing the body we may also release this stagnant energy from our living tissue along with the environmental toxins stored there. So! I’ve drawn upon several techniques and developed a cleansing protocol that I shall be undertaking this Friday! I’m very excited about this cleanse and will post the protocol sometime tomorrow. It’s good to be here, thanks for reading!